Wednesday 4 May 2011


My animation is an average one because it is very hard to advertise things on linerider, I can see why people dont use it on television ads :D. Positive: the good thing about my advertisement is that it has kept in the time limit

Tuesday 3 May 2011


I have made mine about the BPL table. where Manchester United are at the top with 73 points and Chelsea are trailing with 70 points. If Manchester United win one more BPL they will break Liverpool's record of how many Times we have won. its gonna be close.

Monday 2 May 2011


My ideas are to make a line rider, where he rides past the names of my favourite football teams in a list from most liked to most hated (in the BPL). so thats like *Liverpool, Manchester United >:(, Arsenal, Chelsea, Etc...
I am going to start off with some tricks in my line rider and then move on the riding past some of the names (in order).

Tuesday 26 April 2011


My research has been about the ESPN webpage ( ) which is here.
Football took up most of my time because it is my favourite sport. I looked it up because there is the English Premier League on at the moment, and the team Manchester United is winning. >:(
I have also researched about the animation programs like line rider, pivot, flip books and also Adobe Flash.
I have chosen Line Rider because it is the most eye catching game/program because it puts people on the edge of their seats ready to see whats next

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Some random pivot animations :P


My problem is the create an advertisement for ESPN because their other advertisement maker has been fired due to laziness. I have been hired to make a 1-2 minute skit animation advertisement about Liverpool because they are falling behind in the English Premier League. The team that is doing good it Manchester United. And I don't like that.